What is the grand jury

The Grand Jury was created and is promoted by the members of the Organizing Committee of the NO Green Pass Referendum, launched in September 2021:

Prof. Francesco Benozzo, professor of philology at the University of Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum” and coordinator of the Observatory against State Surveillance (OSS)

Prof. Avv. Luca Marini, professor of international law at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and coordinator of the International Committee for Ethics of Biomedicine (ICEB)

Avv. Olga Milanese, layer of the Bar of Salerno and president of the association “Umanità e Ragione”

how the grand jury works

According to the principle of universality of criminal jurisdiction, the perpetrator of a crime against humanity can be tried by any State, regardless of where the crime was committed, in the interest of the entire international community.

Therefore, if the measures put in place by the Italian government during the management of Covid integrated the extremes of crimes against humanity, the Grand Jury would refer the subjects who conceived, proposed or endorsed those measures to the International Criminal Court or to the courts of the States who wish to prosecute.

In this case, in accordance with the further principle of international law “aut dedere aut judicare”, Italy would be required to grant the extradition of the subjects in question or, alternatively, to try them according to the applicable legislation.

In order to awaken international public opinion on an issue of such great collective importance, the Grand Jury also intends to promote the creation of a transnational people’s court in charge of judging the alleged perpetrators of the biocrimes under consideration.

The Grand Jury, however, is not conceived only as a body responsible for actions to be carried out in court, but as a place from which to express ethical and cultural evaluations in a broader historical perspective.


Victims of the Covid management measures put in place from 2020 to today, or anyone in possession of probative material useful for the investigation, will be able to contact the Grand Jury at the e-mail address

describing his own experience and attaching the material useful for verifying the validity of the complaints.

In order for the Grand Jury to be able to use the material received, the complainant must also send the privacy information form, duly completed and signed, which can be downloaded from this site, together with a copy of an identity document, via the same e-mail.